1 Response to Hope

  1. Rita Grant says:

    You are an amazing writer. Very encouraging… I have encountered people in my life, and many of them wish you well, but deep down? They do not want you to succeed because the are jealous. Then you have the people that no matter what your dreams are, they will always tell you and I quote” Quit trying! Dreams are not real! You will never get there! ” When I was growing up, my dream was to become a doctor, and modeling for a little bit. Everything was going well in elementary school for me up until grade six. I was already speaking and writing two languages in grade one. In Europe, close to the final semester in grade six, you get evaluated to find out what direction you should take in life. These people told my parents that I was only good to go and clean toilets, and that becoming a doctor, I had to be smarter ( I only scored 98% in most of my subjects) I guess that was not good enough. Then they also told me I was to ugly to be a model. I choose to be strong and follow my dreams anyway. I did gave up on becoming a doc due to lack of financial help, but I was a model for a while, and that did not happened until I was 37. It is not what has happened to you, but certainly what you will do about it. I could have given up, but I choose to be strong and believe in myself. I will never give up. God is my rock, and I am not ashamed of saying so. He connects me with the right and positive people in my life, and you Nick are one of these people. Again, you are an amazing writer.
    Rita Grant

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